12. Benefits of a K-8 Environment

Dear Friends,
One of the greatest gifts of St. Joan of Arc Parish School is the K-8 environment. Studies have been conducted in areas across the country that show that K-8 schools provide great social and academic benefits for students.

Many schools and school districts began to convert more schools to K-8 in the early 2000s as teachers, parents, and administrators shared that students from these school environments had higher academic growth, less behavior problems, and fewer incidents of bullying.

Studies conducted in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee area schools all showed higher academic achievement than students that attended K-5 schools. The studies also showed that students from K-8 schools were between 11 and 16 percent more likely to be accepted into the most challenging high schools. This stands true at St. Joan of Arc as well, where this year we have graduates entering Marquette and Catholic Memorial as well as entering higher level classes at the local public high schools.

At St. Joan of Arc, we are second to none! Where we see added benefit of the K-8 environment is in the relationships of our students. Students in 8th grade know our students in our kindergarten classes. They help one another get ready for the playground and even play games together outside.

Please contact the school office if you would like to learn more about what a K-8 education at St. Joan of Arc Parish School can do for your child.



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