PURPOSE: The commission promotes and develops Catholic elementary education.  The members provide advice to the pastor and principal regarding policy development, school finances/budget development, strategic planning, marketing, and development.

The School Commission is a panel of discerned members whose function is to recommend policy for the operation of the parish school and to serve as an advisory resource to the Executive of the Committee, the Principal of the school.

CONTACT:  Holly Cerveny  /  SCHOOL EMAIL /  262-646-5821  

USUAL MEETING TIME   Third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the school library (See calendar for upcoming meetings.)

MEMBERS: The School Principal and Pastor are ex-officio members. The President of the Home and School Association, The Athletic Director and a Pastoral Council Liasion are non-voting members. Term limits are 3 years with a 2 consecutive term max.

YOUR PARTICIPATION: All registered parish members are welcome to offer to be candidates for the open positions on the Commission.

 To learn more, CLICK HERE to contact us.