MONTHLY FOOD DRIVES- The two parishes have food drives on the second weekends of the month. People are asked to bring food items to mass and place in the food baskets. This food is shared on a rotation with six local food pantries, and delivered by church volunteers.
GARDEN OF EAT'N- The Garden of Eat'n ministry provides fresh and nutritious produce to the clients of local food pantries. The garden is supported by the parishioners of both of our churches. Volunteers grow the produce on the grounds of St Joan of Arc church. The produce is cleaned and packaged along with recipes to enhance the clients' experience of fresh produce by members from both parishes. The garden is also a teaching garden. Lessons on subjects related to gardening are taught in the class room as well as during visits to the garden.
ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE- Every year during a Mass at the beginning of November, on, or around the time of the Feast of All Souls, November 2nd, both parishes give honor to all those who have passed away since the previous November. Family members of those are mailed invitations to attend this beautiful celebration.
JACOB'S LADDER - Also during November each year, parishioners are invited to bring framed photos of loved ones who have died to be displayed with candles and fall decorations on our Jacob’s Ladder in the Gathering Area of church. Watch the website and the bulletin for an announcement about bringing photos to church.
THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE - In November the food drive has a wider scope, as we share a specific set of foods with local and area folks. Boxes are handed out on the first November weekend and collected on the second November weekend.
ADVENT GIVING TREE - The Advent Giving Tree ministry provides Christmas gifts to those in need served by several charities within the Milwaukee and Waukesha areas. Parishioners donate gifts for individuals of all ages, thus helping others to experience the love and care of Christ at Christmas.
To learn more, CLICK HERE to contact us.