Student Life: Three Educational Experiences, United by Philosophy and Faith
Kindergarten: 3k—4k—5k
- Personalized instruction
- Multiage classrooms and integration across grades
- Teachers with 20+ years teaching experience
- 3K-8 environment proven success
- Both structured and student led learning time
- Full integration in curriculum including Music, Art, Phy Ed, Health, and Religion
- Technology and STEM integration
- Hands on learning through innovative projects
- Rest time as age appropriate
- Field trips and enrichment visits
- Recess and outdoor time daily
- Dedicated age appropriate playground
- Weekly attendance at Mass and special liturgical seasonal observance
- Preschool sized toileting facilities to foster independence
- Full and half day options for 3k and 4k
- After school care
Primary/Intermediate: 1st—2nd—3rd—4th Grades
- Personalized instruction
- Multiage classrooms and integration across grades
- 3K-8 environment proven success
- Both structured and student led learning time
- Standardized test scores consistently at or near the top of all Wisconsin students
- Full integration in curriculum including Music, Art, Phy Ed, Health, and Religion
- Technology and STEM integration
- Sacramental instruction during school day
- Dedicated Reading and Writing Workshop time
- Emphasis on public speaking
- Hands on learning through innovative projects
- Field trips and enrichment visits
- Weekly attendance at Mass and special liturgical seasonal observance
- Extracurricular activities
- After school supervision and homework assistance
Middle School: 5th—6th—7th—8th Grades
- Personalized instruction
- Multiage classrooms and integration across grades
- 3K-8 environment proven success
- Both structured and student led learning time
- Standardized test scores consistently at or near the top of all Wisconsin students
- Students consistently perform beyond their grade level
- Chromebooks for each student and use of Google Classroom
- Emphasis on public speaking
- Hands on learning through innovative projects
- Field trips, retreats, and enrichment visits
- Weekly attendance at Mass and special liturgical seasonal observance
- Small business experience
- World language learning time
- Sports and extracurricular activities
- After school supervision and homework assistance