Discernment 2024

Our Combined Pastoral Council serves a key role in envisioning and planning the direction that will allow our churches to serve our various constituents – parishioners, community, Catholic Church and the world. If you are interested in learning about serving on the Council, Council members will be available after Mass next weekend (July 20-21) to provide information and answer any questions you may have.  Click here for the interest form and more information.


About The Pastoral Council:

PURPOSE: The Council is a vehicle for the parish to fulfill the pastoral mission of Jesus and the Church in a specific part of the Archdiocese.  It does this by developing Catholic identity, promoting evangelization, and fostering stewardship. The Council strives to build a community of disciples who recognize their baptismal calls to lives of holiness, witness and service.  The Council engages in a continuous process of pastoral planning, which takes into account the needs and priorities of its parishioners, the Archdiocese, the broader community, and the world.

As of August of 2014, St. Joan of Arc has joined with our cluster partner St. Catherine of Alexandria to form a single Cluster Pastoral Council. At the same time, the name and responsibility of this leadership group were changed in accordance with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s new policies. Previously all parishes had a “Parish Council” that advised on all areas of parish life. The archdiocese now has created two councils in each parish that basically divide responsibilities into visionary and administrative functions. So now every parish has both a “Pastoral Council” and a “Finance Council.” 

RANGE OF RESPONSIBILITY The Council is the consultative and planning body in regards to pastoral activity except to the extent limited by faith and morals, church or civil law or archdiocesan policy.   The Council possesses a consultative vote only.

CONTACT: CHURCH EMAIL  / SJ CHURCH  Phone 262-646-8078

USUAL MEETING TIME: Fourth Tuesday of each month  (See calendar for upcoming meetings.)

MEMBERS: Our Cluster Pastoral Council is made up of positions filled by virtue of office or discerned from parishioners at-large. The pastor also assigns a staff person from each parish to serve as resource people. If you are interested for future membership consideration through participation in an annual discernment process, we suggest you contact us and come as an observer to any council meeting. The following specifics about membership are taken from the archdiocesan mandates:

The Council shall be comprised of seventeen ex officio members and at-large members, all of whom must be baptized, practicing Catholics, registered members of the parish, participants in the parish worship life, especially Mass and the sacraments, and at least 18 years of age. The Council shall have the following ex officio members:  the shared pastor and the lay trustees from each parish.  Ex officio members participate fully and equally in all Council matters. At-large representatives shall be selected from and by the membership of the parish 18 years of age or older. The Council shall have six at-large members from each parish. The term for at-large members shall be three years and shall be limited to two consecutive terms.  The new members shall begin their terms with the conclusion of the annual transition meeting. The Council shall have one youth member form each parish. A youth representative must be at least 14 years of age but not yet 18, whose parents are registered members, and shall be selected annually from and by the youth members of the parish. The term for youth members shall be one year and shall be limited to two consecutive terms.  The new members shall begin their terms with the conclusion of the annual transition meeting.

YOUR PARTICIPATION: Each Spring a nomination process takes place that seeks candidates for openings on the Council. Of course you are always welcome to observe Council meetings!

Interested in joinging Parish Council? Contact Gary Josephson 262-720-6318 or email